What is PhotoReading?

What is PhotoReading?

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PhotoReading is an accelerated reading and learning technique and system which enables you to read more quickly and be able to remember and recall what you have read. It also enhances your creativity, intuition, decision making, critical thinking skills, improves your level of calm and relaxation, and your sense of connectedness and state of being. My clients who really get into PhotoReading describe it as being a spiritual practice in addition to just learning to read a records speeds and absorb information more quickly and efficiently. 

Reading at 25,000 Words Per Minute

We start out with reading at 25,000 words per minute, and on the first night of the Live Workshop or Video Webinar Training show you how to PhotoRead a whole book in 5 minutes and apply strategies to activate and recall the information. 

From Age 7 to 70+

It is suitable for all ages; my clients and Workshop attendees have ranged from age 7 to 70+.   You can also apply to all type of reading materials including mathematical formulas and languages. 

From Corporate Employees to Crystal Healers to Rocket Scientists

My Workshop attendees have ranged from Doctors, Surgeons, Crystal Healers, and Accountants, through to Marketing Specialists, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Corporate and Local Authority Employees, Lawyers and even a team of Rocket Scientists from Cranfield University. 

It is a Lifelong Skill

People often ask if this is a lifelong skill and investment so I put together a summary of client success stories from the past 16 years I have been teaching PhotoReading and offering Coaching Sessions to give you a flavour of what to expect: http://marilyndevonish.com/client-proof-1-3-years-later-photoreading-still-works/

Marilyn Devonish

The NeuroSuccess Coach

Email: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com

Website:  http://www.tranceformationstm.com/photoreading/

Blog: http://marilyndevonish.com