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This overview contains:

  • What is Huna?
  • How and where are the Huna Sessions done?
  • Are the Sessions still effective if not done in person?
  • What can you cover or work on during a Session?
  • How much are Huna Sessions?
  • When is the next Intro Workshop?
  • Is Ho'oponopono part of Huna?

As and when questions come in I will add them here and also create some new categories so do check back in.


What is Huna?

Huna is an ancient Hawaiian self-empowerment discipline that involves the use of symbols, elementals, breathwork, working with the Huna Guides, and Higher Self Therapy.

How and where are the Huna Sessions done?

Outside of attending my PhotoReading Workshop or a Huna Intro, individual Sessions are done via telephone or Skype. 

Are the Sessions still effective if not done in person?

Yes.  It is all about the energy and I have had clients as far afield as Australia (I am based in London, UK) feel the Huna energy even when just listening to the recording of a Session. 

What can you cover or work on during a Session?

The uses of Huna are wide and varied, and I always say the energy goes where it is needed. I use it on my PhotoReading Workshops of example to help attendees release self-doubt, judgement, negative emotions and fears, and limiting beliefs. 

Just to give you an example of what I mean, I did a 3-minute Huna Session to a group of 500+ people at the TCCHE (The Conference for Consciousness and Huna Evolution) event and people had back, neck and shoulder pain reduce and disappear, releasing of mental fogginess and overwhelm, from feeling jet lagged after a flight from Hong Kong to London to saying somewhat astoundedly: "Huna is better than Starbucks!"  Below is an email I received from one of the conference attendees a couple of weeks after the event:

"Hello Marilyn

I attended the four day TCCHE event a couple of weeks ago and although I found the speakers fascinating, your Huna work had the most profound effect on me.

I did speak to you at the event (in the Ladies!) and explained how I felt the energy around me and a sense of calm but since that time I am quite amazed at what has happened.

I have endured menopausal hot flushes for three years and the last eight months they have been intense occurring approximately every 30 minutes.   A few months ago I bought every supplement I could find and they did help to reduce the flushes to about six per day.  However, when they occurred they were still intense and at night I was still waking up sweating and not able to sleep.  

The day after the Huna I noticed at the event I only had about four hot flushes and since then they have reduced further and are not as intense.  But the most amazing thing is that for the last six days I have somehow forgotten to take any supplements!  I am not sweating at all at night and am sleeping so much better.  

I somehow feel this is only going to continue to get better as time goes on.  

Obviously I know menopause is not an illness but it was impacting my life negatively, so this is wonderful!  

I thank you because I did not expect to have this amazing transformation and I can only think it is your Huna work that created this.

Many thanks again.


She went on to say when I asked if I could share her wonderful story and feedback:

"Hi Marilyn

Yes, that's fine you can share my story.

What was interesting, on the first day I sat next to a lady (who I only met at the event) who was also having hot flushes so we kept laughing as we shared my fan to cool off!  But she missed your Huna work and I noticed the next day she did keep using the fan whereas I only needed it a couple of times because even the next day my flushes were not as intense as they had been and even though I was hot, I didn't need the fan!

Regarding your workshop - can you direct me to more information about this? The Huna has captivated me more than anything at the event!

How much do you charge for sessions?  I have looked on your site but can't find the information I require. 

Many thanks

S xx "

Her message and question about Workshop dates and pricing is one of the reasons why I've created this section of the Knowledge base!

How much are Huna Sessions?

It depends upon what you want to work on because I often combine it with other techniques and modalities, however a one-off Session is currently £150 per hour. 

When is the next Huna Intro Workshop?

The next in-person Workshop is likely to be in 4-5 months time.  I will also be running a Global Video Webinar Workshop.  You can register your interest and go on the waiting list via:

Is Ho'oponopono part of Huna?

Yes. The best way I can explain it in a nutshell is: "The book of Huna is several thousand pages.  Ho'oponopono is 2 pages in the book of Huna."  There is a much larger Guided Process beyond the basic words which involves the dual Forgiveness Process, working through the ages and ancestry and genealogy, and working with the Huna Guides to cut the old ties and connections.